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About Canaima


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Canaima brings to mind images of a paradise in the middle of the Amazon jungle; a place of rivers and impressive waterfalls.

There you find the highest waterfall in the world and the oldest rock formations on the planet; people who dreamed of mineral richness came to live here but, more than richness, they found the paradise that passionated them about forever.

Canaima is the second largest national park in Venezuela (3,000,000 ha./30,000 km2), established on June 12th, 1962 and declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1994. Canaima is a paradise adorned by the eternal music produced by the waterfalls and the omnipresence of the tepuis that are witnesses of the creation of the world.

This excursion is simply impressive and unforgettable!

There are no words that can describe the emotions that this magical place makes the people who visit it feel; a multicoloured paradise where the blue of the sky stands out; the green of its mystical jungle; the brown of the walls of the tepuis and the amber that tints the mighty rivers that give life to the greatest angel in the world.



Lagoon of Canaima, Waterfalls: Ucaima, Wadaima, Golondrina, Hacha, El Sapo, Isle of Anatoly, Carrao River, Rápids and Savannah  of  Mayupa, The Fall of Happiness, Orchid Island, Churúm River, Canyon of the Devil, Ratón Island, Laime, Lookout, Angel Falls. 

You can live the Canaima Experience with our plan of 4 days and 3 nights where we will have the privilege of feeling the waterfalls of the Canaima Lagoon up close, passing through some of them, sailing surrounded by jungle, tepuis with steep walls and delight yourself with the Angel Falls that constitutes a wonderful testimony of the antiquity of the highlands of the Venezuelan Guayana Jungle. This waterfall was made known to the world by the pilot Jimmy Angel who, when flying over it, had to crash his plane on the top of the tepuy in 1937. Learn more about the nature and history of this giant in the middle of the Multicolour Paradise in the  Amazon Jungle.


DAY 1.- WELCOME TO THE PARADISE. (Flight Caracas/ Canaima)

As soon as we land in the Canaima National Park, it can be on the morning flight at 9:15 am or the afternoon flight at 2:15 pm, we will be received and taken to the camp, where we get ready to our adventure in one of the oldest and paradisiacal natural regions in the world. Lunch at noon time; at 2:30 p.m., we will take a 3-hours excursion by boat in the Canaima Lagoon, passing with the boat very close to the falls, arriving at Anatoly Island, where we will take a 25-minutes walk to Salto El Sapo, which we will cross walking under its curtains of water. We return to the lagoon to pass behind the Salto Hacha. We take our boat and return to the camp. Dinner and overnight in the camp (-/L/D)


- You must be present 2 hours before departure at the national terminal of the "Simón Bolívar" Airport in Maiquetía;

- (B) brakfast; (L) lunch; (D) dinner;

-  Those who arrive in the afternoon flight (2:15 pm) to Canaima do not have lunch included (L) and will take the excursion to the Canaima Lagoon starting at 3:30 pm.


DAY 2.- IN THE ANGEL FALLS. (Lagoon of Canaima / Angel Falls)

Very early in the morning, we leave by boat from the Port of Ucaima, navigating about 15 minutes until we reach the Mayupa Rapids, where we will have to disembark to walk 35 minutes through the savannah, to the other side of the rapids to board again. We cross the Arautaima Rapids by boat, then we stop at the Pozo de La Felicidad (Waterfall of Happiness) for a refreshing swim; we navigate the Carrao River, skirting Orchid Island, reaching the confluence of the Carrao and Churúm rivers. We continue sailing to the Isle of Ratoncito area, where we stop on the shore of Churúm river, in front of us is the spectacle of seeing the highest waterfall on the planet. We spend the night in hammocks with mosquito nets at Angel Falls base camp. (B/L/D)


DAY 3.- RETURNING TO THE CANAIMA LAGOON. (Angel Falls/ Lagoon of  Canaima)

Having enjoyed breakfast, we get ready to cross the Churúm river by boat and take an one-hour walk through the jungle, until we reach a gigantic rock called Mirador de Laime (Alexander Laime, Lithuanian surveyor who first measured the waterfall) and where we can appreciate the Angel Falls of 983 meters of free fall, called by the Pemón indigenous people as "Kerepacupay-Vená". We will be so close to the waterfall that we will let ourselves be conquered by its majesty and energy. We return to the base camp of Angel Falls to have lunch and then embark down the river until we reach the Port of Ucaima. From there we head to our camp. (B/L/D)


DAY 4.- RETURNING TO CARACAS. (Flight Canaima / Caracas)

After breakfast, we still have some time to buy souvenirs and go to the airport to take a flight back to Caracas at approximately , 10:05 am. Once you leave Canaima, you will always remember that you made a trip that must be done, at least once in your lifetime, remembering the neverending sound of the waterfalls and the fantastic view of the tepuis. (B/-/-)


Canaima Lagoon/ Angel Falls

4 days/ 3 nights

Canaima I

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